Why Pest Control State Certifications are Irrelevant

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Why Pest Control State Certifications are Irrelevant #whatbugsme      Have you tried to search for a pest control company lately? Every piece of advertising you see states how they are certified or licensed but what does that really mean? Do you know?  Do you even care? How does it affect who you need to call?…

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Exterminator Vs Pest Control

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Exterminator VS Pest Control #whatbugsme      Don’t call me an exterminator. What is the difference between an exterminator and pest control? At the end of the day you might not think much. They both do the same thing right? Kinda but not really. I have a problem with the word exterminator. You may think it…

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Why I am an ACE and why it matters

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Why I am an ACE and why it matters #whatbugsme I am an Associate Certified Entomologist ( ACE ). Sounds fancy but what does it mean and why would you care? The Enotomological Society of America (ESA) says that the ACE certification is the future and benchmark for professionalism in the pest management industry and…

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Treating in the rain?

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Treating in the rain? #whatbugsme Years ago we were like the mail man. Come rain snow sleet, or shine, we treated outside for the control of creepy crawlies. Take your hand away from your open agasp mouth and ask me why it’s a problem.  It’s not. And it never was.           These days if 1…

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Common Pest Control Questions

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  Common Pest Control Questions I get this question all the time. “Is it safe for kids and pets?”  Honestly, I answer a lot of questions. No stupid questions you ask?  No there are never any stupid questions on a subject you are not familiar with.  Learning is a beautiful thing. In fact I love to…

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Pest Control Guarantees #whatbugsme

Can you Guarantee a Pest Control Service? #whatbugsme           Everyone wants a guarantee, a sure thing.  In this day and age the only things you can count on are death and taxes.  It is no wonder that many want some assurance that the hard earned money they spend is not wasted. I see companies guarantee…

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Why do winter pest control? #whatbugsme


What is the Point of having Pest Control in the dead of Winter?           I have been providing homes with pest control for over 15 years.  During these years winter comes every time and I get the same questions. Why do I need pest control in the winter?  There are several reasons and some misconceptions.…

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How did that get into my house!? #whatbugsme


Tip of the week: How did that get into my house!? #whatbugsme As the temperature drops and our activities migrate inside, pests can migrate with us as we run from the cold. This especially applies to rats and mice who steal our beloved heat and our food. Rodents in the home are also a health…

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Ultrasonic Pest Repellents #whatbugsme


Tip of the week: Ultrasonic Pest Repellents  #whatbugsme           I see these all the time and they are often followed up by “I bought this and it is keeping the roaches away.” I promise you, if I am treating your home, any pest reduction has nothing to do with these devices. Electronic pest control devices…

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Mothballs are dangerous and not effective


Tip of the week: #whatbugsme mothballs are dangerous and not effective The key ingredient in moth balls is naphthalene, a widely-used and highly-manufactured chemical. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has classified naphthalene as a persistent, bioaccumulative and toxic (PBT) chemical. [2] A PBT does not readily break down in the environment, does not easily metabolize,…

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