
Kissing bug DD3

Kissing Bugs & Chagas Disease #whatbugsme

January 11, 2017

Kissing Bugs & Chagas Disease #whatbugsme Occasionally a call will come into our office concerning kissing bugs but here is probably a better chance at winning the lottery than finding a kissing bug inside of your home. Not to discredit the importance of Chagas Disease; this potentially fatal disease is transmitted through the bite of…

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I can’t kill it twice #whatbugsme

January 11, 2017

I can’t kill it twice #whatbugsme           During my years  in Knoxville pest control I have had many problems posed to me. Most of these I relish the opportunity to fix for my customers. Some problems have no fix just because that’s the way nature is set up and some solutions rest solely on the…

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Holes #whatbugsme

January 12, 2016

           Winter is finally here held back by fall until the end of the year. As it gets below freezing at night we will begin to see uninvited guests wishing to warm their toes beside the fire. How will they get inside you ask?  Let’s look at some of the most common ways insects, mice…

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Pest Control Guarantees #whatbugsme

December 28, 2015

Can you Guarantee a Pest Control Service? #whatbugsme           Everyone wants a guarantee, a sure thing.  In this day and age the only things you can count on are death and taxes.  It is no wonder that many want some assurance that the hard earned money they spend is not wasted. I see companies guarantee…

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Why do winter pest control? #whatbugsme

November 17, 2015

What is the Point of having Pest Control in the dead of Winter?           I have been providing homes with pest control for over 15 years.  During these years winter comes every time and I get the same questions. Why do I need pest control in the winter?  There are several reasons and some misconceptions.…

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How did that get into my house!? #whatbugsme

October 20, 2015

Tip of the week: How did that get into my house!? #whatbugsme As the temperature drops and our activities migrate inside, pests can migrate with us as we run from the cold. This especially applies to rats and mice who steal our beloved heat and our food. Rodents in the home are also a health…

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The top 28 biting & stinging Arthropods #whatbugsme

October 16, 2015

Here is some really great information from Luke Guy of Pest Pro App, a great little sight where you can upload a picture of your creepy-crawly to be identified.  I guess we are weird, we love to ID bugs.  Comes with the territory.

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Pest Control Home Remedies

October 7, 2015

Tip of the week: Why do you believe old wives tales and home remedies for pest control? #whatbugsme              I have had hundreds of customers tell me that they applied a natural treatment that a friend or family member told them about and they believe it works. For now let’s ignore the fact that…

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House centipede house cat

Centipedes #whatbugsme

October 7, 2015

           Many homeowners have undoubtedly seen these scurrying in and out of shower and bathroom sink drains, their numerous legs making them look more menacing than they are. Centipedes are sometimes called “hundred-leggers” because of their many pairs of legs, but they can actually have anywhere from 15-177 pairs of legs, depending on the species.…

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Ultrasonic Pest Repellents #whatbugsme

September 29, 2015

Tip of the week: Ultrasonic Pest Repellents  #whatbugsme           I see these all the time and they are often followed up by “I bought this and it is keeping the roaches away.” I promise you, if I am treating your home, any pest reduction has nothing to do with these devices. Electronic pest control devices…

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