Mosquito season in Knoxville TN

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It is Mosquito season in Knoxville TN #whatbugsme Here in Knoxville TN there are 49 species of mosquitoes. Most are just annoying but there are a couple that go beyond annoyance and pose a safety risk. Mosquitoes are the deadliest species on the planet transmitting malaria that kills one child every 30 seconds mostly in …

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Why Pest Control State Certifications are Irrelevant

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Why Pest Control State Certifications are Irrelevant #whatbugsme      Have you tried to search for a pest control company lately? Every piece of advertising you see states how they are certified or licensed but what does that really mean? Do you know?  Do you even care? How does it affect who you need to call?…

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Exterminator Vs Pest Control

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Exterminator VS Pest Control #whatbugsme      Don’t call me an exterminator. What is the difference between an exterminator and pest control? At the end of the day you might not think much. They both do the same thing right? Kinda but not really. I have a problem with the word exterminator. You may think it…

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Naked Lunch Exterminates all Rational Thought

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Naked Lunch Exterminates all Rational Thought 1991 R #whatbugsme #movies Naked Lunch is a wild ride inside the mind of a junkie who gets high on his own supply. Forgive the colloquialism but it fits. This film has been deeply analyzed to death by many outlets so I am going to focus on the relevant…

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