Waterbugs VS Roaches. What is the difference?
What is a waterbug? What is a Roach? Are they the same thing? In every region of the country there are local names for things. In the south all soft drinks are referred to as “coke” where as in the north it is “pop”. It is part of what keeps us interesting and sometimes confusing. When I was serving in the U.S. Marine Corps we were doing some training with the British Royal Marines. The BRM C.O. was talking about awareness in an urban setting and said “if you are standing there smoking a fag.” We all looked at each other trying to process what he was trying to say. Was he really advocating murdering homosexuals? In short time our C.O. stepped in and whispered in his ear to which he began to laugh and explain that a fag was a cigarette. We all had a good laugh at our vernacular difference. The same happens for insects.
The many names of insects
German Roach
Belostomatidae is a family of freshwater hemipteran (half-wing) insects that have piercing sucking mouth parts. Basically they pierce their prey or plants with their mouth which is a straw so they can suck out the food. Known as giant water bugs or colloquially as toe-biters, Indian toe-biters, electric-light bugs, alligator ticks, or alligator fleas they have large foreleg pincers used to catch fish, frogs, and snakes. The best attribute is their love of eating mosquito larvae in the water. See, we do have other mosquito hating friends like bats. They are ambush hunters because they grab onto grass or cattails and use a snorkel like tube to breath under water as they wait for an unsuspecting victim. They grab the prey with their large foreleg claws and inject into the prey a concoction that liquifies their insides. Then they use the straw they have for a mouth and suck them dry. Yum! Spiders do the same thing. That’s why you find only dried up insects in the corners of your basement.
Water bugs VS Water Strider
Gerris lacustris, water strider
Like the name suggests, waterbugs are in or near water and make their home hiding in vegetation at the bottom of the pond or stream. This is why they get the name “Toe-bitters ” when they defend themselves by nipping at your piggies when you go swimming. It is also known to play dead to avoid predators. At 2-4 inches long they can be rather intimidating with their pincers like a lobster.
If you need help with roaches, whatever you want to call them, just give us a call. A phone call, text, PM or even the inspection is FREE.
Phoenix Pest Control serves Knox and Blount counties in East Tennessee.
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