A24 Rodent Trap: Your Solution to Rats and Mice

You wanna know what bugs me? Rodents. But Phoenix has a new trap that should make all the anti-rodenticide hippies happy. The A24 Automatic Rodent Trap. Most people hate rats and mice in their home. Well, mostly. One of our technicians has pet rats. What a wierdo.

A24 Automatic Rat Trap, Phoenix Pest Control TN

Rodenticide issues

dead Rat Phoenix Pest Control TN

There is a lot of talk out there about rodenticides. People are afraid that kids or pets will get ahold of them and get sick or worse. Many are also afraid of what is called secondary poisoning. This is where a mouse gets into some bait, dies, and a predator consumes that mouse, like an owl. Now a 60 lb dog can eat up to 4 sachets or blocks and probably be fine. That doesn’t mean I want them to, of course not. And a bunch of people smarter than me figured up how many mice a dog has to consume before there is a 50/50 chance of getting sick. It was a whole bunch. The active ingredient gets used up killing the mouse. So again, It’s not as big of a deal as the environmentalists would have you to believe BUT… that doesn’t mean I wanna press my luck. So what alternatives do we have?

Baits and Traps

rat trap

Bait and traps are really our only options. There is no rat spray, any deterrents are temporary at best, and miss use of consumer level rodenticides over the years has rendered those much less effective. The best method is exclusion. There will always be rats and mice outside. Nothing you or I can do about it. But if we seal the entry points where they get in and make our homes less inviting, the chances of Mickey coming over to poop on your counter drastically reduces.

mouse glue board Phoenix Pest Control TN

Bait is a good, effective way to eliminate rats and mice if used properly. But some still want a non-rodenticide option. That leaves you with traps. There are 100s of kinds of snap traps and glue traps available. Don’t give me this “glue traps aren’t humane” talk. When rodents decimate food crops, food stores, and contaminate everything they touch…. they should be eliminated. We created this mess by the way we live and poor sanitation practices. Introduced rodents are bad news for people and the planet, destroying crops and wildlife, spreading disease and devastating the ecosystems.

A24 Automatic Rodent Trap

A24 Automatic Rat Trap, Phoenix Pest Control TN

There is a really cool new option available. This is the A24 Good Nature automatic trap. Snap traps have to be reset and glue traps are meant to be disposable after catching pests. The A24 has a really cool idea that the anti-rodenticide people should apreciate. Inside this tube is a bait lure that is non-toxic. It’s only there to draw them in. Once they crawl up this tube to get their grub on, they hit a small wire that releases the pressure in the CO2 cartridge firing a plunger to crush the rat or mouses brain instantly. Here is a picture of a clear one so you can see what’s going on. The orange is the plunger. I got this pic from Shawn Woods on Youtube, Mousetrap Mondays. He does some good stuff. Anyway, They don’t even know what hit them till they are in the line for halo and wing fitting. But here is the innovative part, after their instant death, they fall out of the trap onto the ground and the A24 Rodent Trap automatically resets for the next one.

The idea here is that wildlife will clean up the carcass so something gets a free non-rodenticide snack and you don’t have to clean up the mess. Mother nature does it for you. The reality is often times the rats and mice will cannibalize each other. Seems to me that they may learn that free food falls out of this tube and they are either cleaning up the mess or becoming dinner. Either way its a win win for us. Now since some welfare rat is going to come get the free food, how do we know how many kills we got? The fun continues with a digital counter that records the kills OR it bluetooths to an app that tells us when it happened and the temperature. This whole thing makes my bug-geek and techie self dance like school children. Isn’t that cool? And they are working on one with a cell signal so I can be asleep with my Wicket the Ewok teddy bear in the middle of the night and my phone will get a push notification that we got another kill. Killing rats in my PJs. What could be better than that? A24 Rodent Trap is 100% toxin free while feeding the wildlife and freeing my customers of nasty rodents chewing up their hot dog buns. Winner winner rats for dinner.

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Aaron Veal