Nightmare Bed Bugs in Maryville TN

Nightmare Bed Bugs in Maryville TN

In the pest control system, roach and bed bug offenses are considered especially heinous. In Maryville City TN, the dedicated technicians who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad know as Phoenix Pest Control. These are their stories.

Aprehend bed bug fungus

Bed bug jobs can be difficult. The truth is, when that happens, it is almost always something the customer has done or information they won’t tell us. I don’t know about you but if I was spending a bunch of money to stop a nightmare like bed bugs, I would do everything I was told to a TEE. So here is 1 story about the only bedbug job I could not complete.

Nothing is right

This customer, we will call her Aunt Joline had bed bugs and roaches. After our 1st treatment she told us that they threw away the couch and bought a new one. [shake my head] Well, all the treatment she paid for is at the dump and the new couch is unprotected. So we treated the new couch when we went back for the 2nd treatment. At that point, we found heroine and a needle between the mattress and box springs! The tech called me asking what to do so I told him to leave and I called Aunt Joline. She apologized profusely for her sons’ stupidity then proceeded to tell me that he had several young ladies stay there and it must have been one of his [clears throat] guests. Well obviously this is a problem besides the magic vein powder because these people are either bringing more bed bugs, taking them home, or that’s how they got them in the 1st place. So I had to have the discussion as to why this is an issue. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t have to explain such rudimentary concepts to adults who should have common sense but that’s the world we live in. I wonder how some people made it to adulthood.

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It gets worse

But wait, it gets worse. Not only did they refuse to clean anything… ever, or pick up anything…. ever, the next service she tells me that they moved one person out and two in. Now who knows where they went to spread bed bugs or where the new ones came from to bring new strains of bed bugs into the environment, but again, treated items were moved around, removed and replaced. Effectively we are back at square one again. Some people just don’t pay attention. And this is costing them a pretty penny each time and I know they don’t have a bunch of disposable income unless they are selling some of that booger sugar on the side.

The Last Straw

So the next service, one of the residents moved a refrigerator next to her bed and was storing food under the bed. And you know there was food everywhere because they were not capable of sanitation maintenance. Mentioning this to Aunt Joline she agreed that that would be a problem for the roaches and limit what I could do as far as treating when there is food everywhere. Returning for the next visit, I evidently pissed the breakfast lunch and dinner in bed lady off. She wasn’t and invalid, she was nasty and lazy. She refused to move her food, quit storing it under the bed, or move her fridge from her bedroom. This effectively caused a full stop on treating that room. If I can’t treat safely everywhere I need to then I can’t reasonably help you. So I told them, you have 2 choices, make it where I can help you or I’m out. Aunt Joline evidently was sick of arguing and gave in to the bed-eater who refused to cooperate so I walked. I learned early on, never get between some family dynamics drama.

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Now some of you will be upset, but consider the facts. They were heavily hampering the service at every turn. They had no intentions of fixing it and the apathy was astounding especially considering what it was costing them. And that leads to the kicker. I could not morally continue to take payment from them for a service I could not perform properly. I suspect they were struggling to make the payments and I could not in good conscience continue to keep them in that situation. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make them drink. I can’t help you if you won’t help yourself. So that is the story of the only bed bug job in
Maryville, TN I didn’t eliminate.

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(865) 455-8571


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Aaron Veal